The Six Corners: Rediscovering America After a Year Apart

Ke’e Beach, Kauai

February 17, 2020. 5 Weeks to Lockdown.

That was then. What is now?

Prologue Part 1: Taking a Ride

On the afternoon we left Kauai, I dropped my family off at a local museum and went for my first helicopter ride. It was Saturday, February 22, 2020, and a month later, my kids’ schools would be shut, my wife would be working remotely, and I would be scrambling to shop before Massachusetts entered lockdown.…

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Prologue Part 2: Taking a Walk

March and April 2020 were two of the toughest months of my life. The fear I felt was matched only by the speed with which everything fell apart. A week after returning from Kauai, I hopped back on a plane to LA to take care of some screenwriting business. In retrospect, it seems so stupendously…

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Prologue Part 3: Taking a Stand

My family and I finished our walking project on August 1st. I’m not saying the rest of the month was uniformly awesome. (Surprise root canals? Hard pass.) But overall the summer stays in memory as a season in the bubble, the eye of a swirling COVID storm. There were some months when my town had…

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Prologue Part 4: Taking a Chance

We won. It took a while, and bonus points to anyone who put “armed insurrection” on their bingo card for January 2021, but we won. And so after the Inauguration, my thoughts turned to the question lingering on all our minds: what do I do now? You see, I’m a screenwriter, and before the pandemic…

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Hello from Adam!

Care to blow me a kiss, grab me a beer, buy me a meal, offset my carbon, or treat me to an airplane ticket (which these days can be cheaper than a meal)? Any and all gifts will be gratefully received. Give enough, and you can even tell me where to travel with it!

What’s your favorite place in the United States? LMK, and I might go!

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Adam’s Adventures

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